Improv comedy workshops teach folks how to smile and laugh at them selves, listen and respond in the moment, have more confidence in themselves, trust themselves and their team. We inspire folks to have fun and smile. A group of individuals having fun, empowered by their management, will SELL, give GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE and become valued members of your team.

We don’t teach your team, we inspire. We have fun. We help create an atmosphere where folks want and care about team, sales and service.

While most programs train when teamwork, sales, service and management requires, we actually teach folks how to smile, listen, speak professionally, and have the self confidence to do all this every day.


Recent events for BDO, BING, JP Morgan Chase. Other recent clients include Morgan Stanley, Ernst & Young Twitter, GM, Kraft, UBS, Louis Vuitton, Coach, Master Card, Home Depot, US Medicare, NYC Health Department,  and dozens of smaller firms.


Improv, at its core, is all about learning to work as a team. Every game we play requires individuals to give themselves over to the team goal of creating a story or scene. We incorporate corporate concepts such as PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY but playing the games  actually teaches folks to be better teammates. Even after a single 2-hour session, the team leaves ready to listen and respond to their colleagues, and more confident in their own place on the team.

Not all actors are great at Improv comedy. Many artists have issues with insecurity and ego. They too often hide behind a put on persona. But when challenged to actually listen and respond in the moment they freeze.

However, I have had amazing success with non performer/personalities create amazing improv scenes and stories with in minutes into their first session.

The second one lets go of all that insecurity and ego, wonderful things happen. We create an environment that makes this easy. In this fun space folks feel confident to open up and be their best.

We also encourage teams to take back the games we play and play the at the office. Take 2 minutes and circle up before a big meeting. LAUGHTER is the best medicine sounds cheesy, but it is true!

Creating a strong TEAM leads to better production, service and sales.


Great service is simple. Smile and listen to the needs of your customer and respond.

You really do not even need to be all that informed to be successful in service, if you have the confidence to sound like you know about what your are talking.

What kind of service does your staff give?

– Service that scares away the clients
– Service that satisfies the needs of the clients
– Service that inspires repeat business

On some level you should realize that EVERY client has options – your competition.

The person at your front desk and answering your phones in many ways are THE most important person on your team. Often that same person is the last person your client sees/hears at the end of a transaction.

We literally teach folks how to smile and how important it is to smile.

EVERY great service has to start with a smile. You put your customer at ease. The sound of your voice warms up. You become someone folks will listen to for advice and resolution.

EVERY great service requires listening to your customers’ needs. Sometimes ALL someone needs is to be listened to for a change.

EVERY great response requires a little Improvisation.

PRETEND you know what you are talking about. Eventually your confidence will come around and you will actually KNOW.


Great sales requires great service.

Every sale has two main components – THE PITCH and THE CLOSE.

The pitch is a show. This requires confidence in your self – more so than the actual product/service. Improv is nothing else is about teaching folks to be great performers.

The CLOSE is a trouble shoot. Sometimes you are lucky and the pitch is enough. Often the customer will have objections. You must LISTEN to these to properly over come. Your answer needs to be connected to both the customer concern and the product/service you are selling.


In both sales and service, the presentation is far more important than the information. People accept lies every day from folks that sound confident in their presentation, yet reject very useful information with poor delivery.

Great information paired with great presentation is powerful.


In order to be a great manager you need to be able to do all of the above. You need to be engaged with your team. You need to give your employees great service to meet their needs. You need to be able to sell your self/product/service to your sales staff.

You don’t want to be the manager