CROWDFUNDING – How I made a movie


Not sure what gave me the idea to make a movie. Making my first movie was akin to having a child. You are never truly prepared for your first. It was a learning experience from start to finish.

I reached out to many experienced pros for help and advise. But the problem with experienced pros, they are laser focused on the “right” way to make a project happen.

But nothing about this movie was to be the “right” way. Scary but I loved it.

FIRST OF ALL we did not have a script. It was designed as a Christopher Guest style mockumentary, where amazing character performers improvise the finer points of dialogue. While amazing, this proves very hard for film making and editing. And many would be producers were scared by the problems this would cause. Seasoned film makers are used to a script that is broken down into shots. Camera, lights and sound focus on specific spots and beats.

So that alone kept a lot of the folks on the side lines as advice givers. But not active producers or investor finders. And that was the biggest area I feared. HOW DO I ASK FOR MONEY?

Often on SHARK TANK you will see dreamers walk out empty handed. “You have a product not a company” “It’s too soon for me.” “You’re dead to me!” Mr Wonderful? How dare you.

But that is how I felt. We were failing at showing our vision.

SIDE BAR – I think that is why I am so addicted to SHARK TANK. I just found the show recent but have been watching on demand and old episodes on CNBC. Fascinated by that process of asking folks with expendable cash to support your baby venture. Watching arrogant folks demand and ignorant unprepared folks beg is quite the learning experience. But when the right product and person come together and get a deal, it is wonderful to see that “American Dream” fulfilled.

Looking back now we were just like all those that TANKED on the show. We were not prepared. We had to fall on our face. We had to learn the hard way as many of these more seasoned producers had. They could probably snap and make this happen but what would I learn. And these producers all are mentors tome that know I need to learn this for my self.

So I turned to KICKSTARTER for help. This was right before VERONICA MARS raised $3 million for a movie project. Before KICKSTARTER was even known outside of the arts community. Crowdfunding was still very new as an internet phenom.

We still did not know what we were doing. We shot a bunch of shorts to introduce the characters (A lot of that footage ended up in the film).

We created a KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN. We launched. Then we watched. Then we waited…

Nothing. Then I researched. Fixed up the page a bit. Then I pissed off my world spamming emails, Facebook, twitter etc. Then I got $2k of our $10K goal.

When it comes to anything in life – IF YOU DON’T ASK, YOU DON’T GET. 

“NO!”s are very scary, right? I have always been a great pitch men but don’t have the heart for sales because I sift through way to many “NO!”s to get a “YES!”

I hate hustlers, players and hard core sales folks, but I respect someone that keeps it up until they get a “YES!”.

In person it is just too heart breaking. However online, from the comfort of my living room while watching mediocre TV,  it is very doable.

Posting is not enough. In fact posting does nothing! You have to post to name brand the project but it was the individual outreach that made the difference. I dug in and got busy.

My entire life became about raising money for this project. So many times I wanted to call it quits, but I hate failing. At times the only thing driving me was fear of failure.

SIDE BAR – My favorite story that turned into a big funding source was when I got into a discussion with a hard core Republican. Somehow I convinced this person that KICKSTARTER and similar sites are as CAPITALIST as it gets in funding the arts. It started with a joke about crowd funding being socialism. But I quickly said “NO!” – breaking every Improv rule, I know.

Socialism/Communism is government taking your money against your will and applying it where they see fit. Most often much is wasted by bureaucracy. Like a lot of bad fundraising organization, most of the money funds the leaders and the collection process.

But CROWDFUNDING allows you to fund projects you want to see and 95% of the money goes into production. KICKSTARTER keeps 5% to cover their operating expenses. Most of that is CC fees anyway. Most crowdfunding is preordering a product the fundraiser is creating. You are helping to create work. You are creating demand.  You are driving economy. And with our project every time you see the movie you see your name as why we were able to make this crap.

I went on and on about how crowdfunding is the best way to get rid of the the GOP-hated NEA. It worked. That person became one of my biggest funders.

No one got rich doing this project, but all were paid at least as much as they would doing any low budget union project. Probably as much as an average day waiting tables. They had experience performing on camera. They now have another showcase for their talents. And most young artists have nothing but CRAP on their resumes, why not include POOP – LOL!!!


I think I could have gotten a lot more out of my uncle. But I was shy. Embarrassed, like I was begging. I did not want to become a burden. I got a big check. But I bet had I asked for more I would have gotten more.

I have never been great at negotiating. The process seems so tedious. When folks try to nickle and dime me for the best price on Improv shows for the kid’s birthday I get so pissed. I am already the cheapest in town for “PROFESSIONAL” kids/family entertainment. There is far worse charging double or triple for crap. To get cheaper than me you have to go amateur.

But I realize now – long after my KS campaign is over – that you have to ask for what you what to get to get it. Or better, ask for more.

I learned recently that for the Improv show folks are wiling to pay a lot more than we charge. I do not have to risk bankruptcy to be an artist. And often I charge more to difficult clients. “If they are willing to pay the premium, we will put up with their BS!” (To a degree…)


So you can work hard or you can work smart. The most successful do both. The biggest reason we hit our goal was motivating the team.

We have 10 actors lined up to play key roles before going to Kickstarter. They are all equity holders in the future of this movie. And everyone of those artists were great at every step.

They created some great characters.
They helped us promote the crowdfunding.
They delivered hilarious committed performances.

None of this worked with out them


I cannot thank my friends and family enough. I do not have fans. I have folks that appreciate my work but they all become friends and family. And they came through for me like I could have never expected.

Not only did folks give – often money they may not actually have – but they helped spread the word. When the gave, they shared that on their social media. They became part of our POOP TEAM.

That is the real power of SOCIAL MEDIA and CROWDFUNDING.


The 48 hours of the campaign I did not sleep. I basically spent two days non stop not taking NO as an answer. I begged, I scraped, I spammed… I celebrated every funding to the world. I sat at my computer. Every few hours I got up for a snack or… well the title of the movie says it all…

It all happened with just about 2 hours left. Again I almost gave up. But then I realized, OH I FORGOT TO ASK… I may have lost a couple “FRIENDS” on face book. A few just “UNFOLLOWED”. but you know what those folks were not exactly close. Most were peopel I had not seen since high school. But many of the people I have not seen since high school said THIS IS COOL!

EVERYBODY POOPS is read by most people my age as young parents. NOT EVERYBODY wants to fund POOP. But just enough did.


1) BELIEVE in yourself and your project – if you don’t how can you expect other to join your campaign. Money is not a good enough reason. You must believe you are solving a problem.

2) BE PREPARED – true of everything in life. We probably started to soon and barely got by. But a lot of work in the first two weeks helped us correct course and and get to home plate.

3) RESEARCH – go to Kickstarter and fund a few things with your own money. $1 here. $5 there. Get to know the process. understand what you are asking of others to do for you.

4) BUILD A TEAM – a campaign team of one is almost impossible.

5) DESIGN YOUR CAMPAIGN – put a lot of thought into this. Go to other successful campaigns. Keep it simple, but make your case. Be creative but not desperate. Visual is key. But text is SEO. Up top of your CROWD FUNDING homepage have a graffic that simply say “YOU WANT TO BE APART OF THIS!”. Below that a video that makes your case for you. Than a simple pitch. That is all folks will read. But below that it is great to have more content.

6) REWARDS need to be attractive to your funders but not so much that all  the money will go to awards. You need to fund your project. Preorders are great because you are basically creating demand for the product. Presell your product through the funding site. $20 folks would get a digital copy of our movie. Most of the KS

7) SPREAD THE WORD – get creative. Simply asking for money is not enough but that is a start. Find ways to get press to the attention of your campaign. Major media may give you the once over but search out bloggers.

8) APPRECIATE every penny you raise. Thanks and continue to connect long after the project. Anyone willing to give you cash this early in the project is sure to become your biggest fan and client later.

9) DON’T GIVE UP! This is going to be a marathon, not a sprint. You need to set a pace and keep with it.

10) Don’t just rely won social media. While easier to deal with that “NO!” my biggest funding still came from a one on one at a bar with a beloved family member. And all of my phone calls and meetings delivered more than cash. The support and advice was invaluable.

The world is your oyster! Go out and find your pearl!!!

HAD TO SHARE – Poster made by client


Had to share this. I write posts every week as to why Improv is so valuable. I stumbled across this this morning…

How Improv Can Open Up the Mind to Learning in the Classroom and Beyond

On the blog MIND SHIFT by

Linda absolute and eloquently summarizes everything I have said and more in this wonder article. If you are a student, cast member, fan or just passing through please read the article. Then ask your local school


Why bring Improv to your Office, Schools, Community?




ATTN: Improv 4 Kids / teens students/parents – TV SHOOT?

I am sorry I was not able to attend classes today. Stuck out of the city on gigs. I was hoping to speak with a few of you in regards to a new comedy show soon to appear on FUSE.

We have been asked to connect two head writers from the show to interview Comedy Kids students – mostly form 7-10 yo class. They want to get our student’s advice and perspective on comedy. I am thinking akin to the Beck Bennett AT&T commercial.

I am trying to get them to stop by on Satruday Feb 28 during class time. However this may or not work for the writers so I am asking all students/parents to make sure I have you contact info.

If you are interested in your child participating, email me at ASAP



How to Play Improv Games: One Word Story

This popular warm up gets the team listening and working together as well as teaching individuals to listen and respond in the moment.

Watch this video from the cast of LMAO NYC (AKA Improv 4 Teens, Improv 4 Kids)

Stand in a circle. (In master classes I might have a straight line – shoulder to shoulder facing audience and conduct the game)

Each player add just one word at a time to create sentences and an original story.

We teach each player to follow the story around the circle with their eyes.

When the circle gets to you, look player before you in the eyes and receive the energy.

Turn to the next player in the circle, make eye contact and say your word, loud enough for full circle to hear.


Saturdays 3pm & 8pm LMAO OFF BROADWAY – Improv comedy. All ages friendly (CLEAN) at 3pm. 18+ at 8pm (Teens welcome with parents)

Stand-Up All Stars 7 nights / week at 9 & 11pm

CLICK HERE for discount tickets


Classes for Kids, Teens & Adults offered
Comedy Camp for Kids & Teens every summer


The touring cast travels nationwide to colleges, K-12 schools, clubs, theaters and events.

‘Parks and Recreation’ co-executive producer Harris Wittels dies at 30

Harris Wittels, a comedian and co-executive producer of Parks and Recreation, has died at the age of 30. Wittels was found in his L.A. home on Thursday. While the official cause of death is not yet known, the Los Angeles Police Department tells EW it appears to have been an overdose. Read more at EW (CLICK HERE FOR FULL ARTICLE)

Everytime a comic dies under these circumstances I rant!
Other just mourn. I get angry!!!

Another great comic is taken by drug overdose?
How many have to die before our community screams out against use of narcotics?

I call upon all comics and friends of the community to denounce the use of drugs. Lets clean up our own community. If you are an enabler – you deal or look the other way – SHAME!  If I see it in the clubs I am calling the cops. I would rather be a snitch than a pallbearer!!!.

If you need help, GET IT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!

If you have no one else – CALL ME PLEASE!!!

Drugs kill our colleagues far to often. Or they destroy us to the point we take our own lives. Or often they just destroy our careers because we are out of control. We stop short of death but no one wants to work with us. There are many other ways to get creative juices flowing. This is and will never be a good choice to make!!!

Amy Poehler,  Harris Wittels’ star, made a joke about Cocaine being one of the original producers of SNL at #SNL40. I laughed at first. I cried when the classic John Belushi short screened.

“I’m going to out live them all!” The elderly Belushi cries as he dances on their graves like Zorba.

Funny stops when reality hits and we remember John, Chris, Robin, Philip…. and all the folks that took their life because it felt out of control, unlivable…


Harris Wittels, a comedian and co-executive producer of Parks and Recreation, has died at the age of 30.

Wittels was found in his L.A. home on Thursday. While the official cause of death is not yet known, the Los Angeles Police Department tells EW it appears to have been an overdose.

A bright stand-up and writer, Wittels penned many key Parksepisodes, including “94 Meetings,” “Road Trip,” “The Treaty,” and “Filibuster,” as well as the second episode of the current and final season, “Ron and Jammy.” He appeared multiple times on the NBC sitcom as Pawnee Animal Control employee Harris, popping up most recently in the Feb. 10 episode. The Emerson College grad got his break as a writer on The Sarah Silverman Program, also served a writer-producer on Eastbound and Down and Secret Girlfriend, and was a frequent guest on the Comedy Bang! Bang! podcast. He teamed up with Silverman again to co-star in her 2012 NBC pilot Susan 313, which did not get picked up.

Wittels, who spoke of his battle with addiction and went to rehab, was the drummer of the band Don’t Stop or We’ll Die. He also was known for coining the term “humblebrag,” which he turned into a popular Twitter feed, and in 2012 he wrote the book Humblebrag: The Art of False Modesty about the phenomenon that he called “a specific type of bragging which masks the brag in a faux-humble guise.”

The Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office did not have any further details on Wittels’ death.

COMEDY CAMP 2015 for Kids & Teens Announced

Back by popular demand – Improv 4 Kids and Improv 4 Teens is offering COMEDY CAMP 2015. Sign your future star up for one or both weeks June 29-July 10. Every day features Improv Classes.


WEEK ONE: June 29-July 3
WEEK TWO: July 6-July 10

Both weeks are stand-alone courses so if you only can attend week two, you will not feel behind. Students join our classes all the time with no experience and are able to participate and excel at their own speed.


Young Comedians – Ages 7-9
Future Stars – Ages 10-12
Ready for Prime Time – TEENS


ONE WEEK $350;

– JUST $500 for 2 weeks!!!


9am-10am drop off/arrival; time to write, work one on one with instructors and more getting ready for the day. Students are given a journal, mini handbook and writing exercises to prepare and enhance their week’s experience.
10am SHARP Improv Warm-Up, Technique and Performance master class
NOON Lunch – provided by camp. Let us know about special dietary concerns. In some cases we are able to accommodate and provide options. Pizza, Sandwiches and more. Students can use this time to work on stand-up routines, write in journals, read a book etc
1-2pm Stand-Up Comedy writing and performance – Student develop original routines. Instruction in creative writing and public presentation skills. Students brainstorm, develop, outline, improvise and perform original material. At the end of the week they will have original creative writing for their portfolios.
2-3pm OPEN MIC – Students perform a mock show daily of their stand-up material and Improv games. Students may choose to work on sketches as well.
3pm-4:30pm AFTER SCHOOL – NEW!!! If unable to pick up by 3pm, students can hang-out with one of our teachers till 4:30pm. Most days we have a public show and they will be invited to watch as our VIP guests. We can provide a bottle of water and snack. Other days we will have a movie or other activity planned.


9am-NOON Dress Rehearsal – Students prepare to perform. Each team will plan their performance and perform for the other teams.
12:30 Set-up Theater
– Teens will house manage the show.
1pm SHOW – Invite friends and family to see your future stars showcase what they have learned and developed all week.
2pmish – Student Dismissal after the show.



OVER 5000 K-12 educational outreach shows since 2004!!! Great workshops, residencies and professional development for staffers too!

“A production you and your children don’t want to miss!” ABC NEWS 7 NY

Bring your summer camp group to see a professional show this summer. We run Field Trips seven days / week year round for K-12 schools, camps and other non-profits including Mentoring / Leadership programs. After School programs, Boy / Girl Scouts, JCC, YM/YWCA, YM/YWHA, Police Athletic League, Boys 7 Girls Clubs, etc

Bring this show to your campus. Our touring company travels nationwide. We can even send you a teacher for the summer. We have teachers all over the tri state area.




Interactive Improvised Musical Comedy


Now in its 12th season the cast has cracked up over 5000 audiences since 2002. Whether on the main stage theater, campus coffee shop / snack bar lounge, late-nite club or smaller Student Activities meeting rooms, the cast of LMAO delivers hilarious fast paced comedy shows based on audience suggestions and participation. Every show is original. Every show involves interactive games and high impact musical numbers. Think WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY but with more New York flavor – Edgier, More Music, Faster paced…


for more info, dates and rates

Past college/university bookings include Montclair State University, Bowdoin College, University of Dayton, Hastings College, Ursuline College, High Point University, University of MD, Yeshiva University, Georgetown University, Mt. Ida College, Williams College, Molloy College, Pratt University, Virginia Wesleyan, College Misericordia, Stonehill College, Bloomfield College, Lynchburg College, Hofstra University, Princeton University, Roger Williams University, Vaughn College, St. Johns University, Pace University…



LMAO specializes in PG-13 comedy – Edgy, adult humor acceptable to all campus events, including those with faculty and families wondering into the event. The cast has performed at many religious and state institutions requiring clean comedy shows. Need a family/corporate friendly show? Just ask!!!


In the New York area or traveling?
Ask about student group rates to our Public Shows. We also host private events at the club. Bring your entire club, awards show or more. We have catering and more to make any event PERFECT!

NEW LMAO 2015 VIDEO featuring Steven Prestia

If you are receiving email updates and cannot view videos – go to

See Steven Saturday 2/21 at 3pm with LMAO Off Broadway’s weekly family show. CLICK HERE FOR discount tickets ($10 online via link. $25 at the door). We also have added shows all week for Winter Break 2015. Home with kids? 3pm shows are fun for all ages. 8pm Shows OK for Teens & older!!! BroadwAY cOMEDY cLUB 318 wEST 53RD sTREET, NY NY 10019

More about Steven

LMAO 2015 Week 7 Video Playlist #lmaonyc #lmao

Having trouble seeing this video? CLICK HERE
till having trouble? CLICK HERE

LIVE IMPROV COMEDY Saturdays 3 & 8pm at the Broadway Comedy Club. CLICK HERE for discount tickets



More videos at

LIVE NYC SHOWS every Saturday 3 & 8 pm CLICK HERE for discount tickets

CAN’T SEE VIDEO? Click here