Shakespeare’s Enduring Legacy: The Globe Theater and Modern Theater & Acting

William Shakespeare, often referred to as the “Bard of Avon,” is a name that resonates through the corridors of time. His timeless plays, sonnets, and contributions to the world of theater continue to captivate audiences around the globe. One of the most remarkable aspects of Shakespeare’s legacy is his influence on modern theater and acting, which can be attributed in large part to the iconic Globe Theater.

The Globe Theater: A Beacon of Innovation

Shakespeare’s association with the Globe Theater was transformative. Built in 1599 on the south bank of the River Thames in London, the Globe became the primary venue for Shakespeare’s plays. Its unique design, with an open-air stage surrounded by three tiers of seating, created an intimate connection between actors and audience members that remains a hallmark of modern theater.

  1. Theater Architecture: The Globe’s circular design and lack of a traditional proscenium arch made every seat in the house a front-row experience. This innovation challenged playwrights and actors to engage with the audience on a more personal level, a concept that modern theaters still embrace.
  2. Natural Lighting: The absence of artificial lighting in the Globe Theater meant that performances took place during daylight hours. This limitation forced actors to understand and master the nuances of natural light, a skill that carries over into today’s theater productions.

Shakespearean Language: The Cornerstone of Modern Acting

Shakespeare’s language is a cornerstone of modern acting and performance. His eloquent prose and poetry challenged actors to convey complex emotions and ideas, fostering a level of depth and complexity that remains relevant today.

  1. Verse and Prose: Shakespeare’s works are replete with both verse and prose. This duality allowed actors to explore various rhythms and tones, providing them with a rich palette to express character depth.
  2. Complex Characters: Shakespeare’s characters are some of the most well-developed in the history of theater. Actors who tackle these roles must grapple with intricate motivations, inner conflicts, and character arcs, setting a high bar for contemporary performers.

Shakespearean Influence on Modern Theater

Shakespeare’s impact on modern theater is immeasurable. His themes, characters, and narrative structures continue to inspire playwrights, directors, and actors worldwide.

  1. Adaptations and Reimaginings: Countless adaptations and reimaginings of Shakespeare’s works exist, from modernized settings to contemporary retellings. Films like Baz Luhrmann’s “Romeo + Juliet” and theater productions like “Hamilton” owe a debt to Shakespeare’s enduring appeal.
  2. Acting Techniques: Acting techniques developed in Shakespeare’s era, such as iambic pentameter and the use of rhetorical devices, still influence actor training today. The ability to convey complex emotions and engage audiences emotionally remains paramount in contemporary theater.

William Shakespeare’s legacy extends far beyond the Elizabethan era in which he lived. His connection to the Globe Theater and the enduring influence of his language on modern theater and acting underscore his status as a cultural icon. The Globe Theater, with its innovative design and emphasis on actor-audience interaction, set the stage for contemporary theaters to build upon. Shakespeare’s works continue to be performed, adapted, and celebrated worldwide, reminding us of the enduring power of storytelling and the timeless relevance of the human experience.

ONLINE Comedy Class Adults Improv & Stand-Up Comedy Monday Nights October 4-November 15

  • 7:30pm Improv Comedy
  • 8:30pm Stand-Up Comedy
  • 16+ Welcome
  • $25 to audit the first class
    $125 for full session – unlimited access to both hours for seven weeks.
    OR pay just $75 for IMPROV or STAND-UP COMEDY only.
    CLICK HERE to REGISTER or use form below
    SIGN UP TODAY and get the rest of September for FREE!!!
  • Check menu links for additional shows and classes in Times Square, Touring nationwide and online WORLDWIDE!
  • EMAIL to get more info on private events for corporate teams, college comedy and k12 educational outreach.

Empower yourself using comedy to develop your creative, community and leadership skills!

  • Mondays 10/4-11/15
  • 7:30 Improv Comedy
  • 8:30 Stand-up Comedy

After registration you will have access to ZOOM LINK, EBOOK on stand-up comedy (Develop 5-minute routine in 4 easy steps) for FREE, and more.

If participating in the Stand- Up Comedy portion, please read up through step one: Brainstorming Ideas before 10/4 class.

7:30 Improv Comedy

Come play with us. Our #1 goal is to have fun, playing a series of games while developing creative skills, listening, self-confidence and even empathy.

8:30 Stand-Up Comedy

This session is run like an open mic, but with some feedback. Use the EBOOK for basic preparation lessons so save class time for presentation.

BONUS – Private Session with Walt Frasier

New for this session, around the end of October, schedule a 15-20 minute session to get more specific feedback on your work away from the class.

		ONLINE COMEDY CLASSES October/November 2021 Adults (16+ Welcome) image


Walt Frasier has been with EIGHT IS NEVER ENOUGH Improv Comedy since the beginning in 2002. In that time he has hosted over 5000 shows and workshops in Times Square and touring Nationwide. Now considered a specialist in corporate team building, Walter embraces Psychological Safety and tries to teach the world to smile. At every workshop, Walter gives his students homework “Now that you have taken my classes, you are now comics. It is your job to make the rest of the world smile. Don’t wait for the world to make you happy first. Wake every morning and force yourself to smile and see how your world changes.” He has run workshops for JP Morgan Chase, IBM, Morgan Stanley, Master Card, American Express, NYC Schools (DOE VENDOR), Microsoft/BING, Twitter, Louis Vuitton, Coach, Home Depot, Enrst & Young, GM, KRAFT, UBS, UNILEAVER and 100s more smaller/local firms as well as training corporate trainers.

  • TV: Letterman, Friends of the People, GMA, Royal Pains, Blue Bloods, Lilyhammer, WE, MTV, NICK
  • FILM: Various Indy/Short Films
  • Commercials/Industrials: Dr. Oz’s Fat pants, Culligan Water, etc
  • Musical Theater – Off-Broadway, International Touring, Regional including 2nd Nat’l tour Scarlet Pimpernel, Fiddler on the Roof, Rocky Horror, etc.
  • ALSO Opera, Church Choir Ringer and can often be found entertaining as Santa, The Blues Brothers, Abbott & Costello or as Piano Singer.

		ONLINE COMEDY CLASSES October/November 2021 Adults (16+ Welcome) image

Comedy is cheaper than therapy!

Perhaps you cannot teach funny, but you can teach anyone to get on stage and have fun sharing some stories and much needed laughter. This program can be a fun launching point for those with dreams of becoming a professional comic, but my focus is teaching others to use comedy to develop your sense of self awareness, build your confidence and develop powerful team and leadership skills.

Getting on stage is a cathartic experience. I live on the edge of a cliff, and at any point I could fall flat on my face. I rip the band aid of fear off every time I jump in front of a microphone. Right before stepping into the spotlight, I replace the thoughts of THIS COULD GO TERRIBLY BAD with THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN. Take a few HUGE breaths and GO FOR IT!

Online Classes Continue August 2021 by popular demand

I never though I’d still be teaching online 17 months later. However, now that I’m back doing 4-20 shows/week and classes in person, hanging out from home for a few hours is actually fun and relaxing. Come by and play, as we offer both Improv and Stand-Up Comedy Sessions. We have great students coming back again from around the country, even as far as Australia. Here is the schedule through end of August:

  • Monday 8pm Stand Up Comedy Adults (16+ welcome)
  • Wednesday 8pm Improv Comedy Adults (16+ welcome)
  • Comedy 4 Teens Mondays/Wednesdays 6:30pm
  • Comedy 4 Kids Mondays/Wednesdays 5:30pm
  • New York City times!!!
  • $25/class, $75/month
  • New/returning students, sign up for August classes today and start this week. Up to 12 classes!!!
  • Email for more information regarding shows, classes and private events. We are still offering 1-3 private shows/workshops for corporate teams, schools and even private birthday parties. We had to go online due to covid last year, however, online sessions are a great inexpensive way to bring folks together for much needed laughs from around the world!!!

****note, kids/teens sessions are now 30 minutes later, necessary as I am struggling to make it home from in person comedy camp and shows in time.