Sketch Comedy 101: A Beginner’s Guide to the World of Short-Form Funny

Welcome to the wild and hilarious world of sketch comedy! If you’ve ever laughed out loud at a Saturday Night Live skit, a Key & Peele bit, or a Monty Python sketch, you’ve experienced the magic of this unique comedic form. But what exactly is sketch comedy, and how is it different from other types of comedy? Let’s dive in and explore the basics.

What is Sketch Comedy?

Sketch comedy is a series of short, self-contained comedic scenes, typically lasting between 1 and 10 minutes. Each sketch focuses on a specific premise, character, or situation, often with a surprising twist or absurd conclusion. Think of it as a series of bite-sized comedic treats, each with its own distinct flavor.

Types of Sketches

Sketch comedy is a diverse genre, encompassing a wide range of styles and approaches. Here are a few common types of sketches you’ll encounter:

  • Character-Driven Sketches: These sketches revolve around eccentric or exaggerated characters, often placed in unusual situations. Think of the over-the-top personalities on shows like “Portlandia” or “The Kids in the Hall.”
  • Premise-Driven Sketches: These sketches hinge on a single comedic concept, which is explored and heightened throughout the scene. Examples include “SNL’s” recurring “Black Jeopardy” sketches or the absurd premises of “Monty Python’s Flying Circus.”
  • Parody Sketches: These sketches poke fun at familiar genres, tropes, or cultural phenomena. Think of “Key & Peele’s” hilarious spoofs of sports commentators or “SNL’s” satirical takes on political figures.
  • Observational Sketches: These sketches mine humor from everyday situations, often highlighting the absurdity of ordinary life. Examples include “Seinfeld’s” discussions about nothing or the mundane humor of “The Office.”

Writing Your Own Sketch Comedy: A Few Tips

Ready to try your hand at sketch writing? Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Find Your Premise: What’s the central idea or situation that makes your sketch funny?
  2. Develop Your Characters: Who are the people involved in your sketch, and what makes them unique?
  3. Heighten the Humor: How can you make your premise and characters even funnier? Exaggerate, surprise, and subvert expectations.
  4. Keep It Short and Sweet: Remember, sketches are meant to be quick and impactful. Aim for a runtime of 1-5 minutes.
  5. Get Feedback: Share your sketches with friends, family, or fellow comedians, and see what they think.

A Note on Sketch Comedy Shows vs. Individual Sketches

While this post has focused on the format of individual sketches, it’s important to note that sketch comedy is often presented as part of a larger show. Shows like “SNL,” “Key & Peele,” and “I Think You Should Leave” feature a collection of sketches woven together, sometimes with recurring characters or themes.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

This is just a brief overview of the vast and hilarious world of sketch comedy. If you’re eager to learn more, check out classic sketch shows, read books on comedy writing, or even take a sketch comedy class. Who knows? You might just be the next Tina Fey or Jordan Peele!