Project Aristotle: Google’s Surprising Discovery About Team Success

We’ve all heard the phrase “teamwork makes the dream work.” But what really makes a team successful? Is it having the smartest people in the room? The most experienced leaders? An endless supply of resources?

Google set out to answer this question with Project Aristotle, a research initiative that analyzed hundreds of teams within the company. The results were surprising.

“Simply playing Improv Comedy games develops psychology safety” – Walt Frasier
  • CLICK HERE for our downloadable / printable PDF on Psychological Safety via Improv.
  • EMAIL for information corporate team building & leadership workshops. Fun shows for holiday parties too!

Psychological Safety: The Secret Ingredient

While Google initially hypothesized that factors like team composition and individual expertise would be the key to success, their research revealed something different: psychological safety was the most important element of a high-performing team.

But what is psychological safety?

It’s the shared belief held by team members that the environment is safe for interpersonal risk-taking. In other words, it’s the feeling that you can speak up without fear of being humiliated, rejected, or punished. When psychological safety is present, team members feel comfortable:

  • Sharing ideas: Even if those ideas are “out there” or unconventional.
  • Asking questions: Seeking clarification or expressing uncertainty without fear of judgment.
  • Admitting mistakes: Acknowledging errors as opportunities for learning, rather than reasons for blame.
  • Challenging the status quo: Voicing concerns and suggesting alternative approaches, even if it means going against the grain.

Why Psychological Safety Matters

Teams with high levels of psychological safety are more likely to:

  • Be innovative: They’re not afraid to experiment and take risks, leading to the development of new ideas and solutions.
  • Collaborate effectively: Team members share information freely, build on each other’s ideas, and work together towards common goals.
  • Learn and grow: They embrace mistakes as opportunities for learning and continuously improve their processes and performance.
  • Be resilient: They’re better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks, bouncing back stronger than before.

Building Psychological Safety: It Starts with You

While organizational culture plays a significant role, each of us can contribute to creating a psychologically safe environment. Here’s how:

  • Be approachable and inclusive: Make everyone feel welcome and valued.
  • Actively listen: Give your full attention to others and show genuine interest in their perspectives.
  • Encourage diverse viewpoints: Create a space where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas, even if they differ from your own.
  • Model vulnerability: Admit your own mistakes and ask for help when you need it.
  • Celebrate failures as learning opportunities: Focus on the lessons learned, rather than assigning blame.

The Takeaway

Google’s Project Aristotle reminds us that technical skills and expertise alone aren’t enough to build a winning team. By fostering psychological safety, we can unlock the full potential of our teams and achieve extraordinary results.

Let’s make psychological safety a priority in our workplaces, schools, and communities. The benefits are undeniable.

Using YES AND… Improvisation to Develop Psychological Safety in your office!

  • CLICK HERE for our downloadable / printable PDF on Psychological Safety via Improv
  • EMAIL for information corporate team building & leadership workshops. We host at our Times Square NYC theater and send teaching artists to events and venues DC to BOSTON and beyond.

In 2015, Google released the findings of their 4-year study into what makes a successful team. Project  Aristotle found that the most consistent factor behind team success is Psychological Safety – meaning every  member of that team feels safety to contribute and feels of value to the project.  

“YES!” is all about accepting your colleagues and their contributions to the team. We create a safe space  and level playing field for all. We accept our colleague 100% as is. EVERYTHING they say and do. We do  not judge. We do not fear. We trust each other AND ourselves.  

“AND…” is all about contributing valuable work and information to the team. We are going to take this to the next level by accepting our colleagues, their work, and then build upon with our own contributions. Performance drive is not a selfish process. We have a collective ambition to grow and achieve together as a team. 

When the whole team embraces “YES! And…” we enter the learning zone together. No challenge is  insurmountable when we work together in a supportive exchange of ideas and actions. 


The New York Improv Theater is a one stop edutainment center for corporate team building, office / holiday parties and more. Our comedy shows and workshops deliver high impact results. Clients include Google, Mercedes Benz, META /Facebook, TikTok, JP Morgan Chase, Accenture, Morgan Stanley, Twitter, Roblox, Rimowa, EI Digital, Accenture, Datadog HQ, Milbank, BING/Microsoft, Band of America – Merrill Lynch, Home Depot, Ernst & Young, Johnson & Johnson, Louis Vuitton, Coach, UBS, BDO, AMEX, Master Card, Macy’s, 360i, IBM, GM, Kraft, UNILEAVER, HBO, Prudential, Convene, Conference Board and many more… (NYC DOE VENDORS)

  • GET TICKETS to Times Square Shows
  • ADULT CLASSES Times Square NYC
  • TEEN Classes Times Square NYC
  • KID Classes Times Square NYC
  • EMAIL for group sales and private events. We daily hosts corporate teams and student groups for shows and workshops. Our touring company tours schools, theaters and event DC To BOSTON and beyond

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