Decoding Gen Alpha: A 2024 Survival Guide for the Hopelessly Uncool Adult

Brought to you by the New York Improv Theater, where we still haven’t mastered the Renegade dance…

This post inspired by recent show for 5th graders that used more unknown slang terms than English words 😆

So grab your juice boxes and get ready to learn the lingo that’s currently dominating elementary school playgrounds and Roblox servers. This is your chance to finally understand what your little cousin is talking about when they say their friend is being a “pick me girl” or that their new sneakers are “fire.”

Attention, all grown-ups who are still trying to figure out what a “VSCO girl” is: We’ve got a whole new generation of slang to decipher, and this time, it’s coming from the mouths of 10-year-olds. Yes, that’s right, Gen Alpha is here, and they’re bringing a whole new vocabulary with them.

Don’t Be So Skibidi!

Top 10 Slang Terms That Will Make You Sound Like the Coolest Aunt/Uncle Ever:

  1. Rizz: Charm or charisma, especially in a romantic context. Apparently, even 10-year-olds are worried about their dating game these days.
  2. No Cap: Still going strong with Gen Alpha! It means “no lie” and can be used to emphasize the truthfulness of a statement.
  3. Bet: This versatile term is still used for agreement or excitement, but Gen Alpha has also added a new meaning: “challenge accepted.”
  4. Cheugy: Outdated or unfashionable. Sorry, skinny jeans, but you’re officially cheugy according to the 10-year-old fashion police.
  5. I’m Weak: Used to express amusement or laughter at something funny.
  6. Slay: The meaning hasn’t changed, but Gen Alpha is using it more than ever. Everything from a good grade on a test to a perfectly executed cartwheel can be described as “slaying.”
  7. Fanum Tax: A new term meaning to take someone’s food or belongings without permission. Apparently, stealing snacks is still a timeless pastime for kids.
  8. Vibe Check: Assessing someone’s energy or mood. If someone is giving off bad vibes, they might be in for a vibe check from their Gen Alpha peers.
  9. Sheesh: An exclamation used to express excitement, surprise, or approval. It’s basically the new “wow.”
  10. Hits Different: Still popular! Gen Alpha uses it to describe something that has a unique or unexpected effect, often in a positive way.

Bonus Slang Term That Will Definitely Confuse You:

  • Mewing: This isn’t actually a slang term, but it’s a trend that’s popular among Gen Alpha. It involves placing your tongue on the roof of your mouth to supposedly improve your jawline. We’re not sure if it works, but hey, the kids are trying.

Disclaimer: We at the New York Improv Theater can’t guarantee that using these slang terms will actually make you cool in the eyes of a 10-year-old. But hey, at least you’ll be able to understand their cryptic text messages and decipher their TikTok comments.

Remember: The key to speaking Gen Alpha is to have fun with it. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new terms, and most importantly, don’t take yourself too seriously. After all, you’re trying to connect with a generation that still thinks slime is cool.

Happy slanging!