Psychological Safety: The Key to Building Trust, Growth, and Excellence

IMPROV IS PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY. Check out or downloadable/printable PDF and we hope you enjoy the article below. EMAIL us about our corporate team building workshops.

In classrooms, workplaces, and within families, the foundation of success lies in an often-overlooked element – psychological safety. This term describes an environment where individuals feel they can take risks, speak up with ideas, ask questions, admit mistakes, and challenge the status quo without fear of embarrassment, retaliation, or rejection.

Project Aristotle: Google’s Code to Team Success

Google’s extensive 2015 study, Project Aristotle, sought to uncover the factors that make high-performing teams tick. Surprisingly, expertise and individual brilliance took a back seat to something less quantifiable: psychological safety stood out as the single most important predictor of success. Teams with high levels of psychological safety consistently outperformed those where members felt unsure about speaking their minds.

Why Psychological Safety Matters

  • Innovation Unleashed: Psychologically safe environments foster an atmosphere of possibility. People are less afraid of having their ideas dismissed, leading to a greater willingness to share unconventional thoughts and explore novel solutions.
  • Enhanced Learning: When mistakes are treated as opportunities for growth instead of as punishable offenses, individuals are more likely to grapple with challenges and learn from them.
  • Stronger Relationships: Psychological safety breeds trust. Team members feel supported, respected, and valued for their authentic contributions. This translates to better collaboration, open communication, and reduced conflict.
  • Personal Well-being: When people feel like they can be themselves without fear of judgment, it significantly reduces stress and anxiety, boosting mental health and overall well-being.

Psychological Safety in Action

Let’s explore how psychological safety applies beyond the workplace:

  • Classrooms: Teachers who foster psychological safety create a learning environment where students aren’t afraid to ask “silly” questions, experiment with different approaches, and learn from their setbacks. This atmosphere is crucial for developing curious, self-motivated learners.
  • Families: In families with high psychological safety, members support each other, celebrate differences, and openly address difficult issues. This dynamic creates a secure base from which children (and adults!) can explore, grow, and become more resilient.

Tips for Building Psychological Safety

Whether you’re a leader, a teacher, or a parent, here are a few ways to promote psychological safety:

  • Model Vulnerability: Be the first to admit mistakes, demonstrating that failure is an accepted part of growth.
  • Frame Challenges as Learning Opportunities: Avoid punitive reactions to failures or missteps. Re-frame them as chances to ask, “What can we learn from this?”
  • Celebrate Diverse Perspectives: Actively encourage different viewpoints and make time to explore even unconventional ideas.
  • Establish Clear Norms: Collaboratively set expectations for respect, kindness, and constructive feedback within your team, classroom, or family.
  • Emphasize Listening: Intentionally practice attentive listening, ensuring that everyone feels truly heard and valued.

The Takeaway

Psychological safety isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a transformative practice that leads to exceptional outcomes. By embracing vulnerability, valuing different perspectives, and treating mistakes as stepping stones, we create environments where innovation thrives, relationships deepen, and individuals flourish. Remember, whether in the boardroom, the classroom, or the family hearth, it’s trust, not just talent, that paves the way to true success.

Unveiling the Inner Life: The Enduring Legacy of Constantin Stanislavski

Constantin Stanislavski, a name synonymous with transformative acting, wasn’t always a champion of emotional realism. In fact, his journey to creating the renowned Stanislavski technique began with frustration. Disillusioned by the theatricality of his time, Stanislavski sought a deeper truth in performance. This quest led him to develop a revolutionary approach that continues to influence actors and audiences alike.

Stanislavski’s exploration involved delving into the “art of experiencing” as opposed to mere “representation.” He believed that actors should not simply project emotions but truly embody them. This meant building a comprehensive understanding of the character’s motivations, desires, and inner life.

Key elements of his system include:

  • The Magic If: Asking “what if” to place oneself in the character’s specific situation, prompting genuine reactions.
  • Given Circumstances: Recognizing the context, relationships, and history that shape a character’s world.
  • Units and Objectives: Breaking down scenes into smaller units and defining the character’s objective in each moment.
  • Emotional Memory: Drawing upon personal experiences to authentically portray emotions.

Stanislavski’s impact on American theater and film is undeniable. Actors like Marlon Brando, Stella Adler, and Robert De Niro all studied his methods, adapting them and fostering a generation of naturalists who brought depth and complexity to their roles.

The legacy of Stanislavski extends beyond individual actors. His emphasis on character development and truthful portrayal has shaped the landscape of American theater and film. Playwrights and directors now prioritize creating well-rounded characters with intricate inner lives, enriching the storytelling experience for both performers and audiences.

Even today, the Stanislavski technique remains a cornerstone of acting training. Its principles, constantly evolving and interpreted, continue to inspire actors to dig deep, find the truth within, and captivate audiences with their transformative performances.

Einfuhlung – Asia Kate Dillon neck tattoo inspires study in Empathy

Stay with me for a second…

Image result for asia kate dillon neck tattoo

In a recent Q&A, while I was babbling after an Improv field trip show for K12 students, Ivana Mendez jokingly said, “Uh oh, Walter’s having another coming to Jesus moment.”

That side bar has stuck with me since. Ivana was so spot on. In so many ways, I have turned Improv into my religion.. I live, eat and breathe Improvisation on and off stage performing shows, teaching workshops and as producer/booker for the company.

It is the teaching of comedy that brings this out the most. I have seen Improv turn K12 students and corporate team into better people.

I have been lucky to be able to make folks laugh for 16 years. In 1000s of shows and classes/workshops I have been a witness to the transformative power of Laughter.

Years ago I learned – thru research – how studies at John Hopkins, Stanford and others prove that Laughter  truly is the best medicine. Laughter decreases stress and blood pressure. Laughing itself is a cardio workout. And for building teams, laughter levels the walls of fear and hate, while building trust. Quite simply, as I say in many workshops, it is impossible to have hate and fear in your heart when engaging in joyous laughter.

Not until I started understanding the concept of Psychological Safety, from the Google Study Project Aristotle (released in 2015), did I realize how important our work really is.

I started watching Billions when I was cast on the show this spring. You can see me on episode 4.19 in May 2019. Laurice and I immediately started binging Seasons one to three. We are now up to date, hooked and live tweeting Sunday nights.

The second Asia Kate Dillon made her appearance, they has (or they have – still educating self) been a profound interest to me – or should I say Taylor’s introduction of self “My pronouns are They, them and their.”

Even as an artist who has known many LGBTQ individuals, I was totally ignorant to this pronoun concept. Now this SHOWTIME 60-minute dramedy has a very prominent character of substantial wealth and power representing non-binary. This blows open the door to all in so many ways. Not only are we accepting the “new normal” the new normal is truly EVERYONE and ANYONE can achieve the dream regardless of who you are, what you look like, where you come from etc etc etc. Taylor is “judged” by side eyes in the office, but their overwhelming genius and ambition over comes all – almost (4th season will determine that, perhaps? Are you  #TEAMAXE or #TEAMTAYLOR)

Non-binary was  also a term I had never heard before watching Billion. I have since engaged in a few conversations on the subject. I am no expert but I have a better understanding and a deeper curiosity.

I watched a YouTube clip of their appearance on Live with Kelly and Ryan. Asia’s discussion of their neck tattoo started me thinking.

I call it Improv Comedy Class but Empathy is what I teach.  I discuss psychological safety, listening, focus etc etc etc But what I really teach – or try to teach – is Empathy. And one could break it down to the success stories being the ones I inspired to be more empathic.

In Asia’s interview, they mentioned the history of empathy from the German word, Einfuhlung.

I had no idea EMPATHY was such a young concept in the history of the world. I learned about PATHOS in the 4th grade during a gifted and talent summit of sorts. ETHOS, LOGOS & PATHOS was the workshop. The course was mostly in ration to writing. At the time, being a more math/science guy, I locked onto LOGOS. At times I pondered, was it a guy thing.

****A short history of empathy****


Our current Western idea of empathy arises from two places. In English, the word empathy comes from the Greek root pathos, which means emotion, feeling, suffering, or pity (it also comes from a German word, and we’ll explore that below). The English words empathy and sympathy are used interchangeably to refer to the sharing of (or knowledge of) emotions, while apathy relates to lack of emotions, and antipathy relates to antagonistic emotions.

 – I now have a better understanding why I hate APATHY so much –

The German word Einfühlung (pronounced eín-fhoo-loong), which means “in-feeling” or “feeling into” – and first appeared (in print) in German philosopher Robert Vischer’s 1873 Ph.D. dissertation on aesthetics. Vischer used the word to explore the human capacity to enter into a piece of art or literature and feel the emotions that the artist had worked to represent – or to imbue a piece of art (or any object) with relevant emotions.

The last The English word empathy was coined in 1909 as a translation of Einfühlung


EMPATHY itself is not new. Just word and the study. EMPATHY is what has made great leaders and artists since the dawn of human existence. What is new is teaching EMPATHY.

Concepts like “Emothional IQ” were just getting traction when I was in school (just a few years ago).

There are 1000s of books and lectures out there talking about concepts in team, leadership, government, society, education, child rearing, psychology etc etc etc.

What I love about Improv, at least in the way we teach it, I see the realization of what 1000s of others merely talk about. Simply playing games in a safe space -allowing the walls to crumble and let others in – student discover for them selves what others merely discuss in concept.

Improv teaches empathy. We embody listening and focus into the muscle memory and subconscious mind.

I don’t use that word. I say we are learning YES AND…  I say we are learning skills that make us a better team, better leaders, better sales people, better customer service staff…

Break it all down we are learning Empathy.

I was a smart kid. I turned away form academics and to the arts over 25 years ago. I became a working actor shortly after. I formerly started into  comedy nearly 17 years ago. Working with so dozens Improv artists, performing in front of 1000s of audiences and teaching 1000s classes/workshops has made me a far better person, actor and teacher.


When I teach I notice a certain thing. There is that moment when  student finally lets the walls down. They finally get it. They don’t necessarily feel the difference yet. But I can see the difference in their work. They have let the fear go and started to experience life anew.

In some I see that moment happen in just five minutes. Others it takes longer. In a rare few it saddens me when I do not see it all. Ego and insecurity are running so deep they cannot let go.

When IT happens, that is when I have my “Coming to Jesus moment” as Ivana calls it. I have it again when that student has their first performance and their parents see the difference. I have it every time that student surpasses all expectation, including my own. And I have it when I babble, hoping to inspire IT (not the clown) as I was doing when Ivana called me out.

It is a wonderful thing, because I truly believe it is not something I can necessarily teach. I believe it is something that lives in ALL of us. I believe it is a thing that society – in an effort to find order out of chaos – beats out of us. (many “experts” say society beats creativity our of kids by the 4th grade). And I believe I can only hope to inspire its discovery.

Until now I had not defined what “IT” is, what that moment is.

I think now “IT” is empathy.

It IS a quasi religious experience for me. It is a passion, joy and hope to make the world a better place one IT moment at a time.

Every time I see the walls of hate and fear wash away – replaced by curiosity and creativity – I quite literally have happy tears. I am washed over by emotion of my own.

Lately, thanks to amazing colleagues and students I have been crying almost daily.

Crap, I’m tearing up now…..


HAPPY EASTER, PASSOVER or what ever you celebrate this morning.


HAVE FUN but never ant another’s expense!

AND your homework…. Start every day with as smile!

Wait for the world to make you smile and you will be disappointed every time.

Try going into a room with a smile. A real genuine smile. Most will smile back and make you feel GREAT!

Ignore that one person in the dark shadows of the corner that judges you

(READ NEXT LINE In the voice of a vile hag)


That person will judge you no matter what you do so focus on those that smile back and feed the best in you!

Start 2018 with a Smile in the Office. Game Changing Corporate Team Building

Start 2018 with a Smile in the Office. Game Changing Corporate Team Building. Everyone has homework today. Before you even get out of bed, SMILE!

Start 2018 with a Smile in the Office. Game Changing Corporate Team Building

Image result for smile

THERE’s MAGIC IN A SMILE: Neuropeptides are tiny molecules that allow neurons to communicate. They facilitate messaging to the whole body when we are happy, sad, angry, depressed, excited. The feel good neurotransmitters dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are all released when a smile flashes across your face as well.

We have a cat. This cat is very territorial about the house. If you have a cat you know what I mean when I say, while I pay the mortgage, the house belongs to the cat.

Recently a cat has started popping on to our back deck. This cat is freezing. Afraid to create a collection of strays I resisted giving the cat food. With the wave of extreme cold and snow, the heart won over. I put a box under the deck and from time to time a can or hand full of dry food.

My cat is furious. Every look and hiss I get says “How dare you entertain this stranger that intrudes upon my home?”


How often do cats and untrained dogs attack the stranger? I am convinced being a good neighbor is not the natural instinct of mammals. Survival in some cases requires prides, colonies and herds form. But watch out when two prides collide.


Being a great team member is not the easy choice. It goes against a lot of instinct. Insecurity, ego, ambition, and out right social anxiety seem more natural.

How often will one use this argument for their despicable behavior? “It’s human nature.”

It is the nature of mammals to fear the unknown, lashing out of fear at strangers, running from fire and other natural forces.

It is human nature to overcome our instincts and fears, form bonds for sake of survival and personal advancement. Humans have learned over thousands of years the benefits of team. Great strides forward only happen when we fight our fear of the unknown.


Being negative is just as easy. Waking up with a smile every day takes initiative. It requires a conscious effort.

Every student in the last year has heard me say, “Now that you have taken my Improv class, I consider you professional comedians.” It is YOUR job to wake up with a smile. It is our job to make the rest of the world smile and laugh. Waiting for the world to make you happy lets you down too often. Making the world a better place one smile and deed at a time enriches self as much or more the folks you help.

Deepak Chopra says the physical activity of faking a smile tricks the brain into thinking you are happy, which releases all the happy stuff.

So we do not have too wait for someone or something else to make us smile. JUST SMILE.

Otherwise is to be lazy and perhaps even self-destructive.


Similarly great communication is not the easy choice, but we are not ants. A great team requires great communication. We cannot mindlessly carry out the tasks of an office queen.

Team leaders need to clearly state  objectives and expectations, team mates need to clearly identify their task and continue to communicate with various divisions and team members to collectively complete a task.


“YES! AND…” is philosophy number one in improvisation.

Together our Improv Workshops and Shows bring the entire team together. The laughter alone breaks down walls of insecurity and ego.

Improv teaches self confidence. By building trust in your self, you become more open to trusting others.

Improv teaches public speaking. We become more comfortable speaking in a group think tank because we trust our own skills as a speaker.

Improv teaches team. Every thing about Improv is putting more importance on listening to our team and respecting their choices, then worrying about our own. At it’s core Improv is about trusting our own talents with out fear of failure or worry about how others see us. We are so focused on our team mates that ideas just freely flow from our brains. We tap into memories and skills we forgot we had. We let lose of our conscious mind’s tight grip and the full power of the subconscious comes to bear.

adult classes

In the past 10 years, Walt Frasier has hosted corporate teams from JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, BDO, Twitter, Louis Vuitton, Coach, BMW, BING/Microsoft, Ernst & Young, GM, Kraft, AMEX, Master Card, Edy’s Grande Ice Cream, Edible Arrangements,  and 100s more smaller firms. We host at our Times Square theater and tour nationwide.

EMAIL for for more information about booking shows, workshops and holiday events.